Clip-on Series 2: Extraordinary Strength and Flexibility
The Hemmet® Series 2 clip-ons feature a high-quality stainless steel construction, making them incredibly durable yet super flexible. This combination of features ensures long-lasting durability, ensuring a perfect fit over your glasses without compromising comfort.
Thanks to the stainless steel, the clip-ons maintain their shape even after prolonged use, ensuring a secure and stable fit. An innovation that combines design, practicality and strength.

Hemmet B+™ lenses have a high Blue Light filtering up to 420 nm. The absorption is guaranteed by special coatings in the mass of the material on multiple levels which also guarantee a vision with maximum transparency and contrast.
Hemmet® B+™ lenses are suitable for anyone who wants to protect their eyesight when using electronic devices and blue light.

Your eyes will thank you
The Hemmet® B+™ blue light filter reduces
drastically burning and tearing eyes.

Sleep peaceful dreams
B+™ lenses filter light allowing the
avoiding harmless radiation passage
sleep disorders.

Use devices to the fullest
Whatever the time of use of yours
electronic devices, now you will not have any problems.